They Don't Love You

Someone has to break it to you — ‘Most of the people in your corner don't like or love you.’ It sucks, right? Truthfully, nothing is new underneath the sun. Many of the great prophets understood this as well. You are not the first, nor the last to face this heart wrenching reality. I’m going to help you understand how to spot out those who does not like or love you, and how to deal with them. But, really imagine attaching yourself to strangers who aren’t of the faith, who don’t love and fear the Most High, or people you barely know expecting them to know, respect, and love you better than you, or as much as you know, respect, and love yourself. Crazy imagery, right? It may not feel good, but it is a great thing when the world doesn’t reciprocate the love you have to offer (John 15:19). It is a gigantic red flag when anyone feels entitled or overly determined to receive that love by any means necessary. If the goal is to please people (Galatians 1:10), or to be validated and accepted by others more than anything, you’ll equate yourself to a failure when they reject you and undermine your efforts. Also, your desires and temptations will soon outgrow you, taking you further than you wanted to go. Then, if they know that you are unaware that they do not like or love you, they’ll take advantage of your blindness, use you, and abuse you. They’ll stick around if your presence provides financial stability, or great benefits. Doesn’t sound too shabby for the rich who have plenty to buy company with (Proverbs 14:20, Proverbs 19:4). Those who crave constant attention, affection, and admiration from the world will pay for it (1 John 2:15-20, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). But, at what expense? Money spent or loss today on anything can be regained the next day. Spiritual attachments made today with anyone could actually rob you of the next day. Energy can be transferred or siphoned, and transformed or harnessed. Some will attach to snatch. Others attach to axe. Most attach to drain you of everything you have to offer, while leaving you dry. The Most High says, “I’m going to bless you, but not around them”.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10

Yes. It’s all fun and laughter when the company you keep (who helps you forget about life problems) turns out to be the problem. I’ve come to learn that flatterers, enablers, and yes-men are terrible friends to have (Proverbs 29:5). They remain close to distract you, delay you, and deceive you. Some will go as far to seek ways to defame you, destroy you, and disconnect you from the Most High. To gain access to your whereabouts, they’ll smile in your face, play nice, tell you things you love to hear, and do nice things to win your heart, while secretly teaming up with your opps. And the longer you hold on to them, the bad meant for them will be transferred to you. Meanwhile, you’ll start noticing they’re benefiting off of your energy or presence while stripping you dry. It’s as if you’ve been wasting all of your good wine by pouring it into old and broken wine bottles (Matthew 9:17). You may have your money piling up, but while you’re with them, the more important things go down. You may become ill, yet can’t find the diagnosis. You’ll begin to notice how you lack energy and motivation to excel. You may lose peace and pure love for doing what’s right. Your entire life begins to crumble from a soul tie. Everything goes great when they are not in your life, and when you allow them access again, everything crashes! Having the wrong people, or people who don’t like or love you connected to you will bring you down. 

Notice the way your life is impacted once someone enters or leave it. If your life takes a drastic decline while being connected to them, they are not meant to be part of your ascension. Many simply fulfilled their role in your life for a season. Sometimes, the Most High is testing you or asking you to stand against spiritual warfare for a person who is being used against you, for His glory or while He patiently wait to see who will obey. In that case, a mind stronger than its environment will never make excuses only to escape accountability and responsibilities. But, this is not that case (Galatians 6:5) — To break a curse, to release negative energy, to escape judgement, to heal and come out on top, they will attach themselves to your light even if it ends up destroying your light, until your light exposes them. In no way am I concluding that all people who don’t like you or love you are the devil (Ephesians 6:12). Surely, I can conclude that people who don’t like you or love you aren’t on the same frequency, nor do you share the same mindset as them. Carrying more energy than necessary will sink the ship (Hebrews 12:1). Sometimes, the Most High will turn the people on the ship hearts against you to help you see why He commanded you to trust in Him no matter what storm rocked the ship (Jeremiah 17:5-8), and not man (Psalm 146:3). It can seem overwhelming, but the waves are greater where the Most High lead you because He knew those who don’t like or love you aren’t able to survive trying to swim in that space. 

When you finally accept that leaving your door open for people who don’t like or love you is blocking your blessings, you can embrace the lessons you were suppose to learn, and the wisdom and experiences you were meant to gain being connected to them. Make that move and watch your health improve; Watch good people find you, and random opportunities present themselves to you. You’ll gain peace, clarity, and focus. You start progressing. Depression goes away. You begin to radiate with a glorious glow. The atmosphere will shift in your favor when you are obedient. The first book of psalms gave us the scoop (Psalm 1). You have to pay close attention. When you see the red flags, abort. When they show you who they truly are and what they stand for, believe them. You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-20). Vibrations do not lie. And, everything within creates a gravitational pull — forming our reality of attracting what we deserve. However, we must be aware that our light will attract many who will gravitate towards us in adoration for the light within us, not necessarily for the love of us. On the contrary, many who repel our light dislike the one who gave it to us. Chase the Most High more than you chase people, and He’ll send people you won’t have to chase. If people cut you off, they may be doing you a favor. And, if all the plans you had in mind turns into boo-boo, the Most High wants to show you a more delightful plan.


Father, Yahuah. Not by my power or might, but by your spirit — Expose every enemy, and confuse the darkness surrounding me. Block out every monitoring spirit or agent targeting me. Remove every friend and family member who doesn’t have my best interest at heart. I bind up every spirit causing delays. I cancel every plot from the dark realm trying to stop me from pursuing my purpose. I come up against all wickedness that hate the light within me. I declare that they have no authority over me to have their way in my life. If there be any bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness in my heart, remove it now. If there be any stagnancy, aimlessness, or confusion in my walk, fix it now. If nothing changes, please change my heart. Thank you for the gift of discernment and the ability to use it. Thank you for opening my eyes to see the red flags. Thank you for providing me with tools to overcome these situations. Thank you Father for helping me to push forward, speak life into my purpose, and adding peace into my mind and heart. Let your will be done.